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WTSR and LTV win awards at the IBS College Media Awards!

Congratulations WTSR and LTV!

award list graphicIntercollegiate Broadcasting System (IBS) hosted an international conference the week of March 1, 2021.  Both WTSR and Lions TV were nominated for multiple awards.

The culminating event, the College Media Awards, was very successful for TCNJ!

Congratulations to WTSR, LTV, Nancy Bowne, and Chandler Hubert!

WTSR, in partnership with LTV, won the award for Best Use of YouTube for their Underground YouTube Channel, Chandler Hubert won Best Sports Director for Radio and Nancy Bowne won Best News Director for Radio and TV!


Department of Communication, Journalism, and Film
Kendall Hall 235
The College of New Jersey
P.O. Box 7718
Ewing, NJ 08628


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